Monday, April 15, 2019

30A - Final Reflection

1.) After reading through all my posts from the past, I have seen how much I have grown my business idea, whether it is improving my actual product or what I should focus on when it comes to putting myself in the best position possible to succeed. I really enjoyed the reading list assignments and the more creative assignments where I had to imagine my target market and expanding my product. Those assignments allowed me to be original and utilize a more future-focused approach rather than being more realistic with the short-term. I did not enjoy however, some of the longer assignments that I felt had less value, such as the bug list assignment. This was just very time consuming and took way too much effort for something so personal. I felt as though I had to eventually make up some bugs because I couldn't think of any more.

2.) I really enjoyed participating in the extra credit project we had the option of doing. This allowed me to actually participate in creating a service and making a small profit. Not only this, but my service involved teaching people to workout, something I am extremely passionate about. I am proud that I was able to train 6 kids and make them more comfortable working out, something I find to be very valuable in life because it leads to healthier lifestyles.

3.) I definitely see myself as more of an entrepreneur than before. This class has provided me with different ways of thinking and formulating ideas that result in more value creation. Rather than simply brainstorming about the future, I was forced to go out and actually interview individuals and find out whether or not my product is actually valuable and useful.

4.) I would recommend staying ahead in the class and actually choosing a product you are passionate about. It is much easier to conduct interviews and do research on an industry you enjoy talking and learning about. This class does take up some time, so planning out when you are going to complete assignments is also very helpful. Lastly, just think like an entrepreneur. What I mean is to actually imagine yourself trying to solve a problem rather than trying to get through the class, it will lead to you actually gaining valuable things from this course.


  1. Andy,

    Thank you for sharing your final reflection with the rest of us. I second your note about the reading list, which contained some really good books that were very relevant for this class. I also agree that this class helps fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Your comment about seeing yourself more entrepreneurial than before makes perfect sense to me, and I am sure many other students share your insights. Last, I think your recommendation about staying ahead is spot-on for many classes, and especially this one. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and best of luck with your venture if you ever decide to move forward with it.

  2. Hey Andrew,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post this week as you wrapped up and summarized your thoughts from the semester and how you plan on utilizing them in your business future. I believe that both of us did a good job throughout the semester overcoming adversities and pushing through even though when assignments weren't the most exciting. I think you have a good strategy with advice for the incoming students. Overall, great post and details.

  3. Andy,
    It's hard not to think like an entrepreneur after taking this course, and it's shocking to see how the entrepreneurship mindset helps in many other situations. I would agree that you have to begin this course with something you're passionate about, because you spend a lot of time thinking about and developing your service or product. The more you put into this course, the more you'll get out of it. Nice work this semester!

  4. Andy,
    I think this class does a great job of changing the students mindset. It makes people look at things with the perspective of opportunity. This way of thinking can help people identify problems and quickly find the solution. I also agree with you that the creative assignments were the best. It allowed you to think outside the box, which helped greatly with developing the business idea.

  5. Nice job Andy. I wish I would have done the extra credit assignment because it seemed like a learning experience as well as real world situations. Staying ahead in this class is definitely the way to go. I can agree with you spot on. I'm glad you feel more of an entrepreneur. I got this feeling as well and it seems like you've grown a lot throughout this course.
