Friday, April 5, 2019

25A - What's Next?

Existing Market:
 1. I will continue to develop the actual website and once I do, I can start expanding to athletes and agents in South Florida.

2. Interview 1: The first people I spoke to emphasized perfecting my product before moving on and thinking about advertising to athletes and agents.

Interview 2: The next person spoke about how reaching out using my current network is the easiest way to access athletes and agents alike.

Interview 3: The final person gave me a long speech about working on the search aspect of the website because this is where I will sell my product to companies looking for athletes. If I can advance this area, it will seriously benefit myself in the future.

3. Once I create the product, I will need to advertise to other companies in the local area. This involves using Linkedin, Facebook, and other social media outlets as well as meeting in person with companies to spread the word of my product. After this, I will continue to improve the website after hearing complaints and instructions for improvement from users of the platform.

After this, I will start expanding to other regions, such as New York, California, Texas and other areas with a high concentration of sports organizations, athletes and sports agency companies. This will heavily increase my revenue and allow this platform to grow even more.

New Market:
1. I have found a new market where I can definitely increase revenues and expand business interactions. This would be by expanding the platform internationally, and to other sports such as soccer, rugby and other smaller sports that aren't as prevalent in the United States.

2. The way to make this more successful would be to increase the business internationally by reaching out to international sports teams, players and industries. Soccer clubs have youth teams so it would be a lot easier overseas finding young, talented players.

3. Both people I interviewed saw the room for growth in the industry I am talking about and enjoy the product. Just as it was in the US, international sports athletes and agencies can use a better way of communicating with each other. The only difference is, of course, I will need to utilize more webcams and other technology to help make business.

4. This market surprised me because it relies more on trusting families and not just individual players. Many families are very supportive of their children overseas and have a lot of say in their futures. Unlike the United States, Europe displays a much more caring attitude and have kids training seriously from a very young age.

Instead of having to deal with 18-year-olds in the United States on their own, I will need to directly deal with their families which will make it more difficult. These individuals will make it a lot more difficult and I will need the practice of pitching companies here first to better prepare myself for this future endeavor. This market can definitely be as attractive as my original market, due to the money in soccer.

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