Friday, March 1, 2019

16A - What's Your Secret Sauce

I truly believe that I am the hardest worker that I know. When given a task, I make sure to jump on top of it and get it done efficiently and effectively. I am a very good communicator and make sure that everybody is on the page at all times. The reason that I have such a good start to my future career in sports management/athlete representation is due to exactly this. I work very hard and always ask questions that allow me to understand the task at hand. This allows me to finish any work given above expectations directed towards myself.

Interviewer 1: My father says that my ability to make people smile separates myself from others. This can have an impact on many people and influence them to either work hard as well or have a good time doing so. Also, he mentioned that I have the passion and drive to succeed in everything you do.

Interviewer 2: My mother talked up my hard work and focus as well, but directed it towards the impact it has on my grades in particular. She acknowledged my ability to succeed in school and how that can impact my future. She said that by learning how to study now, I will then learn in time how to work hard when it comes to my future profession.

Interviewer 3: My older sister focused on the skills I had, such as being a fast typer, knowledge of the sports and business industries, and my ability to work with others and to lead them. This was quite a surprise to me, as I didn't expect such an advanced answer.

Interviewer 4: My younger sister said that I was very funny and this can be used to make people like me. In doing so, I will have better chances of receiving internships and jobs in the future.

Interviewer 5: My grandmother went on and on about my smile and composure and how this will help me become a better communicator over time. The confidence that she has seen in me can result in leaving a great first impression with whoever I meet.

I see myself as a very caring, hardworking individual focused on doing what I want to do one day. Others see me as someone who has charisma and charm and that always likes to have fun and make people laugh. I think the main difference in this is that my family doesn't how hard I work at times, because they only see the playful side of me. I don't study or do work around them, so this creates this difference. I believe that both parties are accurate, they are just different.


  1. Hey Andrew,

    It was very interesting in reading the overview of the interviews that were conducted about you and what other people had to say about you in regards to you and your skillset. It is very cool to see the different perspectives that other people may have of you and might include some skills that you didn't believe that you had. I do see yourself as a caring, hardworking individual on what you want to do one day. I hope the best for your career aspirations and what you want to do.

  2. Hi Andrew,
    I really like how you interviewed your family. I also am very close to my family, but since I am away from home in Gainesville for school, I found it was more accessible to interview my closest friends instead of family. It is very interesting to see the similarities and differences between what you said about your self and what your family said.
