Wednesday, February 27, 2019

15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

For this stage in the process, I interviewed two different athletes and one sports agent. All three individuals said that the most important factor that goes into deciding what agency or athlete to choose is their quality. The agent wanted a hard-working athlete who is easy to work with and will become a star one day. The athletes want an agency that genuinely cares for them and is truly looking in their best interest for opportunities in their respective sport. When it comes to the platform, all three interviewees were looking for an easily navigable website that makes it very easy to discover opportunities with athletes and agencies.

My segment can only be purchased online because it isn't a physical product. The platform will be a streamlined way to allow athletes to connect to athlete representation. Agencies will be able to purchase various levels of memberships that allow them certain perks on the site. When I proposed these details to the sports agent, he seemed interested in the idea but stated that he would need to look at the prices before. Agencies already have their own established strategies of discovering talent so they might not want to take part if the prices are too unrealistic. The athletes, however, loved the idea due to their registration being free. This purchase is directly from me to the agencies and saves money by not needing a middle man.

According to the interviewees, it is crucial for the customers to believe in the product even after purchasing it. They must believe it is morally acceptable and a valuable tool for themselves. If either of these isn't true, then the product will not succeed. One of the athletes went on to say that the product must make underrecruited athletes feel as though they are as equally important as other athletes.

Interview 1: The interview with the sports agent was incredibly useful and pointed out several flaws in my design. The agent questioned whether a lot of agencies and athletes need the website and also stated that there better be definitive evidence that agencies and athletes are benefitting from the product right off the bat. This interview allowed me to reconsider my product and patch up the flaws.

Interview 2: This interview was the least useful. The athlete agreed with my points and found the idea to be a good one. He said that the product sounds good and that I focus on marketing to athletes and not agencies. This may sound like a good idea, but I won't profit off of collegiate athletes.

Interview 3: The second athlete I interviewed thought outside the box more and asked how profitable this platform can truly be. We discussed how I need to start advertising the product right away and I need to get a few agencies hooked on the idea before athletes will really start to join. We then discussed how advertising can play a huge role in profiting down the line.

The segment of athlete representation involving young athletes and relatively young agents is very volatile. Things can change very quickly because the industry heavily relies on technology. This is one of the biggest reasons why I saw such an opportunity here. Having a streamlined way for these people to communicate would make a lot easier on both parties.


  1. Andy,

    I liked how thoroughly you were in conducted your interviews, and the level of detail in your blog post. In my opinion, one of the problems you are having with these interviews is because you are actually researching two segments, not one: the athletes and the agents. My suggestion would be to research them separately: the athletes will not pay you directly, but you need them in your platform to attract the agents. They are different groups with different interests, and they are likely going to react different to stimuli. In other words: they are different segments. My last suggestion would be to listen to what your interviewees have to say, but always keeping your own perspective. It is your venture; listen to others, but also listen to your instincts. Innovation comes from people that breaks rules and do things differently. Great job with your post and best of luck if you decide to proceed with your venture.

  2. Hey Andy,

    I enjoyed reading your post this week on your blog. You did a great job going in-depth with the interviews that were conducted for this assignment. I think that it is very interesting that different people have different opinions on this subject and with the situation you are trying to prove. I believe that this platform is a great idea and something that will fully be beneficial in the future once it is implemented and further furnished. Overall, great post and details.

  3. Hi Andy,
    I agree that quality is key when providing a service like a sports agent. It's really cool you were able to interview an actual sports agent. I'm sure their insight was very valuable to you and your future plans, as he as experience in the business. great job!
