Friday, February 22, 2019

14A - Halfway Reflection

1.) The behaviors I have most utilized in this course consist of organizational skills as well as time efficiency. I must keep all my blog posts organized in the correct formatting as well as making sure to do every step of the assignment. This includes completing the assignment on blogger, copying and pasting the URL and then declaring that the assignment is done. It is also important to make sure that you leave enough time before Friday to complete each assignment and then to respond to two people for each assignment by Monday.

2.) There have been moments in this class where I have felt like giving up. During the bug list creation, I had no idea what to put after about 10 bugs. I recognized the need to complete the assignment and the need to get the grade that I wanted to get, so that motivated me to not give up. I have definitely developed a tenacious attitude to work hard and complete the tasks given to me. I would say knowing that I need to perform well in school to get a great job one day is one of my main motivational factors.

3.) Three tips I would offer to students for next semester would be to work ahead to make sure you complete everything that you need to do, ask any and all questions that you have to ensure that you are doing the assignments correctly, and to attend the workshop to ensure that you get an A in the course. All of these recommendations relate to having a tenacious attitude and being proactive to control your own destiny when it comes to grades.

Image result for inspirational quote work hard


  1. Organization is key for this class. I've made the mistake of not keeping up and missed cupcakes for thinking they are due at midnight and not noon. However, once organized its pretty simple to keep the same schedule and whats even better is that you can work ahead as much as you want. This had helped me for a vacation i took, I only needed to comment on the posts and not do the entire assignment while out of town. I like how you are motivating yourself to finish. I too felt the same way with Bug List but keep up the good work!

  2. I think asking questions is a very underrated tip for taking this course. Although it is an online course, asking questions or attending office hours can provide much needed guidance and insight to help you get the most out of the weekly assignments and the course in general. The professor and the TA's are all more than happy to help with just about anything. Nice post, Andy!

  3. Great post, Andy! I agree that time management and organization are most utilized skills for this class. The blog post and responses are easy to manage but I always forget about the cupcakes because they open and close at such an odd time. I think your advice for future students is on point and very beneficial to anyone interested in taking this course.
