Wednesday, February 13, 2019

11A - Idea Napkin No. 1

1.) My name is Andy Myers and I am a third-year Business Administration major specializing in Sports Management and minoring in Communication Studies. I have been a huge sports fan my whole life, and aspire to either work in sports management or represent athletes as an agent one day. I have volunteered for the University of Florida Athletic Association and worked for the Orange Bowl Committee the past two summers. These experiences have provided me with realistic expectations as to how difficult it is to get involved in the sports industry. I have become a very hard worker and a great communicator, having to work overtime and with many different team members. Based on analyzing the sports market during these experiences and while keeping up with the world of sports in my spare time, I have seen a major gap in the communication between agents and athletes. This has led me to my idea of a platform to connect all future collegiate and professional athletes with representatives.

2.) I am offering a website that enables players to register and promote themselves with stats, video clips, highlights and other information about themselves where agents can do research and communicate with them online. As of now, there is no universal place for agents and athletes to connect, it is merely survival of the fittest with the top tier athletes getting agents and the rest of the athletes getting left in the dust. The problem with this is that many athletes that make the pros aren't necessarily recruited highly, so they get ignored.

3.) My customers consist of any athletes or agents in the U.S. that want to become more recognized by the opposite party. This allows for a huge target market and because it is an online server, can contain as many individuals or companies that want to sign up as possible. More specifically, I am targeting males and females from ages 16-25. This is when these players need the most help; when they are starting their careers and need advice as to how to successfully market themselves and spend their money.

4.) Sports agencies will pay to access this website to be able to more easily recruit and research athletes. This will enable them to have more athletes to represent and market towards professional sports teams and even colleges. Also, sponsors will pay to advertise on the website to promote their products, due to the sheer size of people on the platform. Companies such as Nike and Under Armour can easily advertise sports products to these athletes and agents alike.

5.) What sets me apart is my hard work, dedication, and connections. I can work hard to create a platform that runs smoothly and I have the accessibility to market my product to athletes. Once some athletes register on the website for free, agencies can register to start recruiting these athletes, bringing in revenue. Once this occurs, companies will want to advertise on the website as well.

This isn't a product I made up for this class. This is something I have truly believed in for months now and will continue to do so for quite some time. I haven't found any serious flaws with my potential website yet, except the fact that there may be a similar product that already exists. I believe that all the numbered points above connect well and are fairly accurate based on my evaluations. To add, this is also a very good time to create a website such as this based on the technology at our fingertips nowadays and the opportunities presented to young athletes.


  1. Hey Andy,

    I enjoyed reading your blog this week, also coincidental that we are both business majors with a specialization in sports management. I think that your idea has a lot of potential and has room to grow if implemented the correct way. I want to be a sports agent as well, so I think that a website that allows athletes to market themselves to such agents is a great idea that benefits multiple parties. Being able to research this website and investigate makes the process much easier. I think you have a real chance of this service being put into place. Overall, great idea and post.

  2. Hi Andy,
    How cool that this is actually a genuine business idea. I have to admit, mine is something I made up for this class! It's really cool how passionately you feel about sports and sports management. I have never really been a sports fan, but I love it when people follow their passions!
