Wednesday, February 13, 2019

12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

The segment that I chose was collegiate athletes. My product is based around athletes getting recognized by agents as they try to make professional sports leagues, so this is the perfect market to interview. Specifically, at UF, there are many competitive sports teams with high performing athletes ready to make the leap to the pros.

After interviewing three different college athletes here at UF, I have concluded that many of these players would find this resource useful. They would be able to market themselves on a platform viewed by many successful agencies. This would allow them to stress less about reaching out via social media and hoping to get a reply from agencies and instead will instantly give them access to every company registered on the website. All three agreed that they have been thinking about going pro since they were young children, and have just recently started to seriously ponder the idea of reaching out to agencies to try and test the market. My questions focused on asking them when they were going to look for an agent and how they were going to do so. After gathering this information, I then pitched them the idea of the platform and asked for their thoughts. They all liked the idea but needed more information to really get a feel for how it would run.

They all said that when they recognized the need for representation, they didn't know exactly where to start. Many asked their families and friends to see if they knew anybody, and if not they reached out to successful players on their own sports teams to see if they began the process. Most didn't really know how to acquire an agent, because there is really no consistent way to do so.

These interviews made me even more confident in my product. I now know that it is vital to be able to convince athletes at a young age to get on the platform so that they can successfully market themselves. This will hopefully give agents more time to be able to research these players and reach out to them in a timely manner.


  1. Hey Andy,

    I think this for your blog was great and highly detailed. That was good that you established a good segment such as college athletes as you are starting a business for sports agents. Your interviews seemed to have provided you with a great indication of the potential growth of this service that you would be providing . The athletes realize that they need representation and that a service like this would be beneficial to both parties. Overall, I hope this interviews made you more confident in your product and something you can realistically implement in the future. Great post and details.

  2. Hi Andy!
    great job with your post. I think choosing the segment of collegiate athletes was a great idea. I am happy you now feel so much more confident in your product and business idea.
