Friday, March 22, 2019

19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

1.) My name is Andy Myers and I am a third-year Business Administration major with a specialization in Sports Management and a minor in Communication Studies. Ever since I've been a young kid, I've admired the passion individuals have when competing in sports. It is an industry that brings the best out of people and generates valuable experiences for many people. As I grew up, I developed great communication skills, a hardcore commitment and dedication to accomplishing my goals and very good planning skills. This has prepared me for school and for obtaining valuable experiences in the real world. I have volunteered for multiple sports organizations including the Orange Bowl Committee, Miami Heat, and the University Athletic Association. I really want to work in sports one day, more specifically by going to law school and representing athletes. I see this business idea directly impacting my future career because it is a website I can use myself to recruit athletes and to market myself.

2.) My idea is a platform that allows athletes and agents to connect with each other in a way that has not been previously done. Rather than having a free for all and letting the major agencies steal all the top talent, this website levels the playing field by focusing on registering as many agencies and athletes as possible, allowing them to connect and interact fully online.

3.) There are two different target markets, the first being young adults/middle-aged individuals who are sports agents. These people are typically impatient, direct and passionate, meaning the website needs to be easy to explain in a short amount of time and can allow them to reach out to athletes at a fast rate. The other market is athletes around the ages of 18-24 who are trying to go pro and need representation. These players aren't always the most knowledgable and generally have less money than agents, so getting their name out there is very important.

4.) Agents and athletes can truly utilize this website to impact their futures, whether that is agents acquiring more talent and athletes becoming more recognizable by scouts and professional teams. This platform can truly make each of these target markets more money.

5.) I am a very hard worker who is dedicated to his craft. I am able to set my mind to something and achieve it. This will allow me to be pleasantly persistent when pitching my sales idea to agents and also athletes. Based on my research, nobody else has come up with this product, meaning I have found a cutting edge technology/product that could geniunely make money.

As I said before, this is a product I have been thinking about for a while and something I take a lot of pride in. I am ready to start creating this product and to start selling it to companies. Based on the analysis I got from peers, I am ready to start generating the platform to sell. There was no negative feedback.


  1. Hey Andy,
    Your original idea napkin had a solid foundation that allowed you to take the feedback and fine tune your idea napkin this time around. I think the feedback was beneficial because it let others point out areas that needed improvement and solidify what was already good to go. The assignments for this class the past couple weeks helped us focus in on some key areas some more, like who our prototypical customer is, etc. Nice post, Andy.

  2. Hi Andy,
    great job on this idea napkin. I can tell you really reflected and grew from the one before. I also think it is very important that you are able to recognize such great qualities in yourself. Confidence and believing in yourself is key. Great job!
