Friday, March 22, 2019

20A - Growing Your Social Capital

Person 1:

Brian Grieper is a sports agent from South Florida. He has been an agent for over ten years. He is a domain expert when it comes to the sports representation market. He fills the spot by serving as a liaison between athletes and sports teams and scouts. I found the person online and reached out via email and scheduled a phone call. He enjoyed my hard work and dedication, including my persistence to get a phone call and find out what he did to become successful. Having him in my network will allow me to ask valuable questions about my future product and will give me a connection when trying to enter the industry later.

Person 2:

John Mas is a corporate sponsorship employee at the Orange Bowl and has been doing it for over 20 years. He has a lot of experience with young South Florida athletes by throwing many events for them throughout the year. He is a market expert and is able to understand the process of acquiring talent in the area. I have interned for them the past two summers and contacted him for this via email. He explained that the industry is very difficult and I need to be on top of my stuff. While working there, he loved my passion for sports. Having him in my network will provide me with a valuable resource for conducting business in the region.

Person 3:

The third person is Sammy Schulman, the CFO for the Miami Heat. He has been doing this for many years and understands the direct interactions between athletes and sports teams, including contract negotiations and sponsorships. He is a supplier because he helps supply athletes with acquiring contracts with his organization. I reached out to him via email because he is a family friend of mine. He answered some questions that I had regarding this business idea and understands I am trying to get involved in the industry. Having him as a contact in the future will result in more positive connections.

I will always be sure to stay in contact with these individuals and already have a letter of recommendation from one of them. Without sounding cocky, this is a great South Florida network that I have already and I will continue to work on it. This felt the same as experiences in the past because I have already reached out to these people.


  1. Hey Andy,
    I'm impressed with the individuals you sought out to grow your human capital with. They provide powerful knowledge along with expertise in their respected areas of work. A network like this could really take you far in life and expose you to even more opportunities than you were expecting. Nice work, and I hope you have success with your further networking!

  2. Andy,
    The people that you found for your interviews could be very valuable resources for you in the future. The Cfo of of the Miami Heat is a major position. Someone like that could be a mentor for you down the line. It sounds like you have done a great job building your network and I hope it will keep expanding.
