Thursday, January 31, 2019

8A - Solving the Problem

Based on the interviewing and researching I have been conducting on the sports agency market the past several weeks, I have come up with an in-depth solution to connect athletes with representation to benefit both parties. The opportunity presented is a lack of consistent communication between agents and athletes, as there is no current formal way to contact an agency or an athlete. Most players or companies reach out via social media or by referring by a friend. This platform would allow companies to register and put their contact information on the website, along with any other details about their company that they want. This will cost a fee but will give them access to many different features on the website. Athletes can also register their information, but it will be free to them. They can upload stats, pictures and videos and highlights to better market and advertise themselves to the agencies registered on the website. After both parties are registered, they can communicate on the website by reaching out to the opposite party. There will also be a pretty significant opportunity for outside sponsors to market on the platform, either by paying a fee to advertise their product/service or by teaming up with a company and sponsoring their page on the platform. Regardless there will be plenty of opportunities to profit from this website and this can be an incredibly helpful resource for athletes and agents attempting to improve their value and business.


  1. Andrew,

    Your solution reminds me of the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). An “IMDb for Athletes” certainly sounds like a great idea, especially considering that the business model seems to be working for IMDb –they have been in business for a very long time, which is a lot to say for internet sites. You also did a great job identifying multiple products and services that your site would provide to avoid the “one-trick pony” problem. Overall, I think you have the foundations of a well-though idea with very good potential of being successful. My only recommendations for your post are on the form: I would use section headers and paragraphs to make it easier for readers to understand your idea. Nevertheless, great job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Andy!

      I think the opportunity you presented here has a lot of potential, especially because athletics are such a huge, never ending aspect of our society that attracts millions. I agree with you when you say that social media has become a very popular platform for companies to reach out to potential athletes and an easier, more direct way for them to do so will be of great use to both parties. Nice idea and great post!
