Thursday, January 24, 2019

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1:

  • Walking? You're risking your life in Florida, the deadliest state for pedestrians
  • This article talks about how Florida is by far the most dangerous state in the world to walk around in. There are more pedestrian deaths in the state of Florida than there are anywhere else, including 9 of the 20 most dangerous cities. According to the article, this is primarly due to the age of residents in Florida and accidents and crashes that occur in poor neighborhoods. 
  • The problem presented in the story is clearly a miscommunication between pedestrians and drivers in the state of Florida. This has resulted in many accidents and deaths, due to a lack of knowledge of drivers law and unwritten rules. If driving tests were more difficult to pass and if there was more supervision when it comes to illegally crossing streets or walking at crosswalks before given the go ahead, there might be less risk for pedestrians in the state of Florida.
  • The problem is held by drivers in the state of Florida, due to the lack of difficulty in getting and retaining a liscense. This problem needs to be fixed top down, starting with the government of Florida making is significantly more difficult to receive a liscense. Also, we need more regulation of jay walking in certain areas in the state.
Opportunity 2:
  • Want to see the future of travel? Head to Overtown
  • This article discusses how there is a summit held in Miami in which companies will compete to impress judges with original ways to book trips and vacations. 
  • The problem present in the article is that the current way of booking trips has certain flaws that can be solved. There is a clear opening for creativity and technology to improve the current status of this issue. 
  • The problem resides in hotels and websites that handle the bookings of travel plans and vacations, because there are some issues that arise when dealing with these things. 
Opportunity 3: 
  • Soccer | Inter Miami - Beckham's team is working out the logistics

  • This article is about the new Miami soccer team that is starting to round into shape, and how even though progress has been made, there is still a lot more to accomplish.
  • The problem presented in the article is that there is significant progress left to be made by Miami FC, including setting up the soccer academy, scouting players around the world and filling out other positions in the organization. 
  • Miami FC, including the owner, board of directors and other staff already hired, have the problem. They are in need of everything in the previous bullet, and don't have that much time to proceed. 
Opportunity 4: 
  • Even out at sea, the air on cruise ships may be dirtier than you think, study shows 
  • According to this article, there are particles in the air in the open sea that are very unhealthy for vacationers on cruise lines. A study reveals that the level of pollution is much higher than they thought and it has resulted in higher levels of disease and sickness in individuals. 
  • The problem is that cruises are suppose to be a place of luxury and instead they are affecting the lives of vacationers. This issue will result in less cruise tickets being sold and more people taking other methods of vacation. 
  • The problem resides with the cruise lines that profit off of invididuals enjoying their cruises. Without selling out each cruise, these companies will struggle to bring in the revenue necessary to make profits. 
Opportunity 5: 
  • KEY WEST | SUNSCREENS - Concerns over coral reefs, skin cancer arise in debate on ban

  • There are certain sunscreens that are leading to the destruction of coral reefs as well as an increasing risk of skin cancer. According to this article, there are two specific ingrediants that have been linked to these occurances, and the research that has been conducted has been confirmed. 
  • The problem is that these sunscreen ingrediants are harming people as well as ocean life, which is a major concern for many scientists as well as individuals who have used these ingrediants. 
  • This issue affects two different people/groups. The first are the individuals at a higher risk of skin cancer due to the sunscreen. The other are the sunscreen companies that are selling products with these ingrediants because they are going to receive a worse reputation and will begin to lose business. 


  1. I can't agree with you more about how drivers licenses in Florida should not be so easily attainable. I used to work at a country club doing valet parking and many of these women would not even be able to see over the steering wheel. Many of them would also crash right there upon entering or leaving the club. These are the types of people that should be retested for the safety of themselves and others.

    From what I heard, is that the Inter Miami soccer team is set to start in 2020. This is very soon for them to still not have everything squared away. However, I do hope and believe that they will be ready and in full force once the time is set for them to debut.

  2. Hi Andy,

    We happened to have one of the same opportunities, we both used the information about Florida being a deadly place for pedestrians. I agree that this is an opportunity for the state of Florida to re-evaluate their process for licensing.
    I found your opportunity #5 regarding sunscreen and coral reefs interesting. I had no clue that sunscreen had ingredients that could harm the reefs.
