Friday, January 25, 2019

6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Opportunity 1:
b.) Based on the increasing market for marijuana, it is prevalent that there is a clear opportunity to enter the marijuana industry and make significant money for yourself, and for the government. If marijuana is legalized, the government can tax the industry and make significant profits for the country as a result.
c.) The average customer will be any individual that wants marijuana in the United States. If marijuana is legalized (both nationally and in each state), there will begin to be farms and stores opening up countrywide to sell to those in need.
d.) The opportunity is extremely easy to exploit once it is legalized because there will be a huge market for the product once it is allowed. There are millions of people already consuming marijuana, and this number will exponentially increase once it is legalized.

I saw this opportunity at first when I went to Colorado to visit my uncle, who happens to have his own farm. He started explaining the mass need for marijuana around the country and how beneficial it could be as its own industry. This opened my eyes to the endless possibilities presented by this product.

Opportunity 2:
b.) Much like the first opportunity I discussed, the sports gambling industry is another market that will benefit consumers around the country as well as the US government. Sports gambling has existed for generations and has always been done illegally, so imagine how much bigger it would get once people are allowed to start doing it in the open. This will generate money for the government because the industry is taxable once legalized.
c.) Any sports fan who has interest in taking a rooting interest in the game will have access to gambling. This is a huge market and a great opportunity that will exist soon.
d.) Once legalized, this opportunity will be incredibly easy to exploit for both consumers and individuals looking to get involved in the industry.

Similarly to the last opportunity, when I traveled to the Bahamas and went to Atlantis and saw the amount of sports gambling, I was in shock. There was a sports bar full of people screaming at 15 different TVs, rooting for teams to win by certain amounts of points. It was clear that if gambling was legal in every state, millions of people in each state would get involved.

Opportunity 3:
b.) Based on the article, the program called coMADE exists to create job opportunities locally for residents living in those cities. This will help eliminate transportation costs for them and will create thousands of jobs for individuals.
c.) This economic opportunity has been created for people in the areas of coMADE. This program specifically targets people living in the area to help avoid transportation fees when they go to work and to help boost the local economy.
d.) This opportunity seems to be relatively easy if you live in the area, however, it will be much more difficult to try and expand the program and have it in various cities around the country.

After reading this article I was very interested in the coMADE program. I instantly saw how this will change the way that people can get to work and how it will impact the local economy of certain cities.

Opportunity 4:
b.) The information in this article clearly states that personal transportation is the future. Companies such as uber, lyft and other transportation firms will continue to grow in size and popularity. 
c.) Any person working for these companies or other personal transportation companies will benefit from the increasing market. Individuals who need single rides, either from uber or lyft, are continuing to grow in number.
d.) The opportunity is easy to exploit as someone trying to work for these companies because it is very easy to do so. All it takes is registering yourself and having a license, so the market is going to be competitive and large.

Based on just the number of college students that utilize uber and lyft in Gainesville, it is clear that this article is spot on. This industry is going to keep growing at a rapid rate due to the number of people who need a single ride. Whether they live in a city that is hard to own a vehicle, are coming back drunk from the bars or are on vacation, there is plenty of use for these companies in the future.


  1. Andy,
    It looks like you were able to identify four opportunities. Two in regulatory trends and two in economic trends. I liked the ones you chose to use because I think that they can all be easily exploited for the most part. Sometimes it's hard to find realistic opportunities, but I'm impressed with the opportunities you found, and how you ensured their was room for success in these opportunities. Nice!

  2. Regarding the marijuana industry, this is definitely an industry already waiting to explode. I also visited Colorado and was amazed at how many dispensaries were available at about 10 minutes from each other. It's great especially because some people really have the need for it medically but also see it as being OK and in some instances even better than the use of alcohol.

    Sports gambling can actually be done legally here in the US but its done online. I have a couple of friends who already bet on soccer and basketball games. It would definitely change the dynamics and atmosphere of the sports bars but I do always wonder if this would be good or not. Just because I feel like it would lead to more games being rigged.

  3. Hi Andy,

    The marijuana industry and the gambling industry are very interesting! I just visited Colorado and saw all of the dispensaries that are now located almost on every street corner. While I agree that it is a huge potential market, I think that if everyone tries to get into the market, only a few will succeed. As for gambling, I think if legalized everywhere it could be very dangerous for those who have addictions. I think it is smart to have it only legal in some places. But, I do agree that it is a great place for investment.

  4. Hey Andy!

    I think you identified some really great and interesting opportunities here. I think a really easy and accessible one in particular is the opportunity for individuals to take advantage of being a driver for Uber or Lyft. Both of these companies are constantly being used by college students, such as ourselves, and millions of others so these companies are constantly growing and constantly looking for additional drivers.
